Wasiliana nasi : chademadiaspora@gmail.com -Fair and Balanced Platform- Twitter @ChademaDiaspora

Wasiliana nasi : chademadiaspora@gmail.com -Fair and Balanced Platform- Twitter @ChademaDiaspora

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Vision Tanzania: Dr. Slaa’s United States’s Study Tour!‏

Chadema party Secretary General has commenced his elaborate tour dubbed “Vision Tanzania” that will take him across the United States land. The CHADEMA leader is currently in the United States to learn the secrets of the American economic might.

In his tour across the United States, Dr. Slaa has been, meeting with American top leaders of both public and private sectors. He is also scheduled to meet with various human right organizations across the country

Addressing CEO’s and other top American High Tech Corporate executives in downtown DC Hilton Hotel during a dinner hosted for him by CACI Corporation, Dr. Slaa stressed on the point that, CHADEMA party is mostly concerned on the country’s economic progress. Tanzanian opposition party leader focused on selling his country of Tanzania as a beautiful, resource rich, peaceful and the best investment destination in Africa today

Meanwhile, Dr. Slaa said that Chadema party has been left with no option but to seek alternative means of investments that will see the country move from its current state of poverty to being a promised land for the peaceful Tanzanians.

CCM-Party has mismanaged the country resources, and committed economic crimes for more than fifty two years with impunity. CCM-Party has sold out the country, and all Chadema wants is to save the country’s face from being branded a beggar who exchanges his diamond for a mosquito net. This is the naked truth.
We are now at a point of designing our own plans of attracting legitimate technology companies and other investors that are willing to invest and trade with Tanzania on equitable basis “Our vision is a better and more prosperous Tanzania” This is what Chadema Party stands for.  We must liberate Tanzania. Said Dr. Slaa.

Tanzania’s Chadema party popularity has soared in the recent years, due to its connection with the common man’s daily problems of unemployment, corruption, and economic inequality between the ruling class of Chama Cha Mapinduzi leaders and the common citizens who lives off less than a dollar a day.

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