Wasiliana nasi : chademadiaspora@gmail.com -Fair and Balanced Platform- Twitter @ChademaDiaspora

Wasiliana nasi : chademadiaspora@gmail.com -Fair and Balanced Platform- Twitter @ChademaDiaspora

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Honourable the Guest of Honour,

Joan Mayer

USAID Tanzania

Distinguished invited guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Allow me to extend my sincere gratitude and appreciation to the Je Nifanyeje Coordinator and his/her team, first for organising this educational and problem –solving oriented seminar which aims at protecting our children especially our girls from HIV/AIDS; I am privileged and honoured to be given an opportunity to share my time and concerns on this important event that aims at making our society an HIV/AIDS-free generation.

Honourable the Guest of Honour,

Much as been said and done to address our concerns on HIV/AIDS. As a politician, I have seen number of policies, projects and plans that have been initiated by the government either to create awareness amongst us, the society we lead and for the international community. My concerns, are not on the goodness nor the weaknesses of such policies nor efforts, but my concern is largely concerned with the readness and willingness of us as the public image, as we play a role to create and raise awareness especially to girls, on how irresponsibility, negligence and even ignorance can shutter their dreams. As a parent, who also happen to have two beautiful young girls, my concerns are on how we as parents play a role in ensuring that our children understand how vulnerable they are in being exposed to HIV/AIDS. I have seen families torn apart because of HIV/AIDS, I have seen young girls being unable to fulfil their dreams just because we as parents have not play a role to educate and disseminate relevant information and parental advice to our kids. It is my call to all parents, that we create a special bond with our kids that will create a very friendly and easy environment for our children to tell us much about their lives so that when we arise awareness on HIV/AIDS, these children will grow a sense of appreciation instead of resentment. In this, i insist the choice of words we use especially when we discuss a delicate issue as HIV AIDS.
As a Pastor, it is my role to remind you about much of the moral of the Holy Book. It is my duty to create awareness to young girls and women on the importance of honouring the readings. As we all know that, there are commandments in the Holy Book for early sex involvement and as it is considered to be a sin, I urge you all to stick to that. Abstinence, is clear concept to you all, I believe as I do not intend to preach today. But avoid sex before marriage and stay safe in the hands of God, your time will come. And I know, if you put forth God in everything , He will protect you and make your youth a restored one. 

Honourable the Guest of Honour,

Much as this spiritual and moral approach seems to address HV/AIDS, but we are still obliged to frequently educate and remind our young people on how to behave in order to rescue their precious lives. That’s why I greatly commend this seminar because it is one of the many strategies that we should make advantage out of them in order to be safe.

Hounourable, the guest of hounour, 

I know that in most of families especially in Iringa region as the statistics show, families have been in one way or another seen the HIV/AIDS effects. It is not my place to condemn and judge people who have been affected with HIV AIDS and I know that to those who have already been affected by HIV/AIDS that is not end of the world, and as I take this into account, I find a great responsibility today to make a difference in these young women lives. 

Honourable the Guest of Honour,

Socially, the African social setting has for a long time in history, glorified the patriarch domination and subdued women as the inferior creatures and the second class human beings. This consequently denied women of the fundamental rights including the right to self determination, right to possession of wealth, right to decide on the number of children to give birth and so forth All these psychological strings have consequently made women to be dependent on men even if they have capacity to think and work just like men. And that’s why sometimes you find both a husband and a wife have been blessed with a good well paying job but the wife will always wait for the husband to take care of her and pay for the bills in the household. Even for the young couples expecting to get married, the case is the same. Why? Because the society had excluded women from social responsibility and accustomed them to be dependent.

This sense of irresponsibility is what makes our female children to ease themselves when they are offered simple and unsustainable gifts, and eventually they fall into temptations – the temptations which cause them to engage into premature sexual relations which consequently increase the chances of being infected by HIV.

Hounourable the Guest of Honour,

The central theme of the today’s seminar is the Vulnerability of the young female population to contacting HIV. In my opinion, vulnerability situation is there to stay for the weak and irresponsible people. If you don’t work in any circumstance you will be vulnerable to hunger, if you don’t use a mosquito net you will be vulnerable to malaria. Similarly if you have no fear of God, irresponsible wanting cheap and luxurious life without paying the price you will be vulnerable to evil temptations and hence in high risks to contacting HIV.

Honourable the Guest of Honour,

Yes you are the product of the privious generation ,but not the prisoner of the privious generation !
You don't have to live with the same challenge , The same problems, The same backward thinking 
Same emotion stress, intimidating spirit ,start thinking like a leader, take the lead, you can not lead beyond your own mentality ,you got to believe yourself, You can begin today
The current moment is where our better future begins.the past gave us a wealth of memories and experiences, and the present gives us a chance to use them wisely.

The present brings us an opportunity to create an existing future. But the promise of the future demands that we pay a price in the present. The opportunity of the current moment must be embraced or the rewards of the future will be withheld. Our goals and ambition of the past are bringing to us present rewards. If our current rewards are small,then our past effort were small. And if today's effort is small the future reward will be small as well. Today brings to each of us 1,440 minutes; 86,400 ticks of the clock. Both the poor and wealthy, girls and boys, have the same 24 hours of opportunity. Time favors no one. Today merely says here l am. What are you going to do with me?how well we use each day is largely a function of attitude. With the right attitude we can seize this day and make it a point of a new beginning. Today does not care about yesterday's failures or tomorrow's regrets. It merely offers the same precious grift..... Another 24 hours... Hope we will use it wisely. The greatest opportunity today brings with it is the opportunity to begin the process of change , 

You may ask how can we change?

As human beings we need a variety of input and influence and voices, if we are not careful,
Impurity enters into our hearts mainly through our eyes and our ears. This impurity then comes OUT from our hearts and expresses itself through the various members of our bodies - primarily through our tongues and our eyes. You must therefore be especially careful about what you sees and what you hears. You cannot get all the answers to life and business from one person or from one source.
Attitude is greatly shaped by influence and association. Don't spend most of your time on the voices that don't count. Tune out the shallow voices so that you will have more time to tune in the valuable ones. puts distance between you and the wrong influence.

You must constantly ask yourself these questions:
Who am I around? 
What are they doing to me?
What have they got me reading? 
What have they got me saying? 
Where do they have me going? 
What do they have me thinking? 
And most important, what do they have me becoming?
Then ask yourself the big question: Is that okay?
Don't join an easy crowd; you won't grow. Go where the expectations and the demands to perform are high.
As some one once said, Don't wish it were easier; wish you were better. Don't wish for less problems; wish for more skills. Don't wish for less challenges; wish for more wisdom.

My piece of advice to these daughters of mine is this one: “Get to know the purpose of your creation” Ask yourself why did God create you? Definitely God has a purpose in your life. You have to do your part to fulfill the purpose of your creation. And the purpose of your creation is to do the will of God.

Honourable the Guest of Honour, 

Much as the human person struggles to master his/her environment, much as the human person struggles to make a living out of this already complicated contemporary World, Much as the World governments and non-state actors strive to suppress HIV AIDS, unless every human person undergoes a spiritual retreat and meditate on the purpose of his/her creation, and fulfil that purpose, the chances to succeed will still be in vain. Someone opinion should never be the reality in your life.

Honourable the Guest of Honour,

Having provided my pastoral guidance, I once again thank you very much for preparing this great event, and I wish you lots of success as you move on raising the awareness of the people of this country on how to protect themselves against the HIV AIDS. Let me end by the quotation fro Jim Rohn
Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let others argue over small things, but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. Let others leave their future in someone else's hands, but not you.
May I ask you to say this out loud after me "An HIV/AIDS free generation is possible, it begins with me" .

Thank you for listening. Thank you and God Bless You All. 

19th March, 2013.

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